Thursday, September 15, 2011

Here is your coupon!

I was hungry and focused on getting my sandwich from the local deli. I stepped out of my car and was approached by a little girl and her brother. No older than 7 or 8. They were armed with coupons for a discount at their mom's business. "Sir, would you like a coupon that will give you a discount?" I smiled. They were determined to accomplish what they had been asked to do. I leaned down, looked over the coupon and said, I would love to but I don't think I will be needing a Salon Style Haircut. I pointed up, smiled again and looked into her eyes. A little disappointed at first then a big smile came over her face. She politely said, "thank you" and walked back to the front of the Salon.

It left me thinking about their determination and focus. Just their willingness to speak to a man about getting a "Salon Style Haircut" was pretty impressive. Talking to a man with a haircut similar to this basketball was bold!

I read a story recently about Jonathan and the young man carrying his gear. Facing a hopeless situation Jonathan stated, "the LORD is able to do this great thing with a bunch or people or with just a couple." He was focused, not on the odds, but on the capabilities of his LORD. He couldn't loose, regardless of the outcome.
(for the story see 1 Samuel 14)

We all face huge battles everyday. Events and situations in which others seem more in control and determined to defeat you. And situations and events in which our own flaws seem to rule the day. How do you approach your day? Here are a couple of ideas I am trying. Nothing new, but good reminders.

First, Focus on the LORD of that situation and not the situation itself. Easier said that done sometimes, but constantly remind yourself to look upward. Know that God is able to prevail in this situation.

Second, have faithful people around you. "Do all that is in your heart," was the reply of the young man in the story. He knew that Jonathan honestly sought the LORD's glory and not his own. Let people speak into your life, honestly. Both supportive words and the hard constructive words. Easier said than done, again.

What battles are at your doorstep? Do you see the battle only? Can you refocus on some One bigger than the battle you face? Try giving coupons for a haircut to a bald guy. Big task, bigger God.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Captured at the Source...Really?

My bottle of water was captured at the source. It almost got away evidently but there was someone walking by with an empty bottle and he, or she, perhaps both, got it! Whew! I'd be thirsty if it hadn't gotten captured.

Usually when something is captured there is a great possibility that danger is involved. Some element of danger. Or the object itself is dangerous. And what about the source? If you catch something at the source it really hasn't had time to become dangerous yet, but there is potential.

I was captured a time or two, perhaps more.

As a teenager I was like all the other teens, as much as I hate to admit it! Determined to live according to my rules. Good rules I'm sure, but still, my rules. Those rules were usually at the mercy of testosterone. A wise young man began to teach me to take captive my thoughts. "They can be dangerous," he said. He showed me a verse that talked about other things to think about, "truth, noble, good, promote peace, good to talk about," etc... He said, "fill you mind with those things." He was smart. Tried to capture me at the source. And he must have, because I still remember those words. Mostly I remember him. I was captured by this man who loved his God. And he lived that love out in ways that captured our hearts. He was dangerous.

I was captured years later by the heart of another person. My wife. She saw what we could be together. She began the process of taming this wild heart in another way. She is still at it mind you. Taming me. I am still captured by her. And she was right. We are better together than apart. In the very deepest part of who I am, the source, she and I are one.

This blog is perhaps more for me than you. But perhaps you too have been captured. Of course I left out the most important One who captured me. I hope that is evident. He pursued me like I was guilty and His justice was about to be measured out on me. When He caught me that evening so long ago I understood that I was dangerous, to myself and others. He had every right to judge me. But His love was greater than my disregard for Him. His Son set me free as the source of life. That is a dangerous love. Now I get to share it.

When have you been captured? Do you realize just how dangerous you were? Are you dangerous now? For Him.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

There's an App...

I have this love/hate relationship with technology. I had a TI-99 in the early 80's. Loved it for a while but then in school we worked on Apple IIC's and the Enhanced Apple II E's. Then It was IBM 386... and the list continued. Each one promised great things. They delivered for a short while. Now it is the iPad and iPhone, and Android based machines. Each one with great claims and limited delivery. Oh yes, then there are the applications. There is an App for about everything. I love them. I hate them. It continues!

No App can really deliver what I need. What is that you might ask? I would answer...Peace. Maybe a better word in our world is Margin. You know, the space between stuff. There are formulas for newspapers and books. Enough white space so the eyes are not overwhelmed. Life is like that too. We are great at adding one more detail, one more sport, one more book on the shelf, one more thing to have to manage or worry about, to our lives. When was the last time we took something away every time we added something? I usually buy more bookshelves or double stack the books!

There are apps that will help me manage my time, my notes, my inventory but they will not create the margin I need.
So I must ask myself, is life without margin worth it? Is there any real downtime in my life, or my family's lives?
What then can I do about it, you might ask?

First, remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. Wish I'd have coined that phrase. Sounds like a line from the Bible right? Ok, it is. God built into the lives of ancient Israel a weekly reminder. Then every seven years was a year of rest. Then every 50 years! Debts were cancelled. Built in margin. Life is good with margin. Not so good without it! Don't know that I'll write the word "sabbath" in my schedule, but I should put something down to save that space! I dare you to create some margin.

Second, unplug. This point is extremely uncomfortable for most of us. Listen for it. Silence. It is just not there any more. If you are a church goer listen the next time the person leading says, "lets have a moment of silence." It probably won't last more than 10 or 20 seconds. Time it. I dare you. You can always give that 20 seconds back to God on the way home. Just shut off the radio for a minute. If we are always bombarded with media then we have little time to actually process the good from the bad. Or let the good really take hold of us. Unplug.

Third, and perhaps most painful for me...simplify. How much time do I spend just making sure my stuff is taken care of, or working properly. My iPad needs to be charged a certain way for the battery to last the longest. I think about that. My guitar has to be kept at a certain humidity level. I think about that. Those are just two things. I dare you to begin to really simplify. I had a professor one time tell me after he moved to a new house there was one box that remained packed for a year. He didn't know what was in it. His wife asked what he wanted her to do with it. His response, "throw it away. If I haven't needed it for a year and I can't remember what is even in it, I don't need it." I cannot even imagine doing that!

There are app's for a lot of things. Some may help with these three issues, maybe. But odds are you can begin doing these things without a new app. Think about it: Margin; Unplug; Simplify.

Which is the hardest for you? I'd love to hear.