Friday, September 9, 2011

Captured at the Source...Really?

My bottle of water was captured at the source. It almost got away evidently but there was someone walking by with an empty bottle and he, or she, perhaps both, got it! Whew! I'd be thirsty if it hadn't gotten captured.

Usually when something is captured there is a great possibility that danger is involved. Some element of danger. Or the object itself is dangerous. And what about the source? If you catch something at the source it really hasn't had time to become dangerous yet, but there is potential.

I was captured a time or two, perhaps more.

As a teenager I was like all the other teens, as much as I hate to admit it! Determined to live according to my rules. Good rules I'm sure, but still, my rules. Those rules were usually at the mercy of testosterone. A wise young man began to teach me to take captive my thoughts. "They can be dangerous," he said. He showed me a verse that talked about other things to think about, "truth, noble, good, promote peace, good to talk about," etc... He said, "fill you mind with those things." He was smart. Tried to capture me at the source. And he must have, because I still remember those words. Mostly I remember him. I was captured by this man who loved his God. And he lived that love out in ways that captured our hearts. He was dangerous.

I was captured years later by the heart of another person. My wife. She saw what we could be together. She began the process of taming this wild heart in another way. She is still at it mind you. Taming me. I am still captured by her. And she was right. We are better together than apart. In the very deepest part of who I am, the source, she and I are one.

This blog is perhaps more for me than you. But perhaps you too have been captured. Of course I left out the most important One who captured me. I hope that is evident. He pursued me like I was guilty and His justice was about to be measured out on me. When He caught me that evening so long ago I understood that I was dangerous, to myself and others. He had every right to judge me. But His love was greater than my disregard for Him. His Son set me free as the source of life. That is a dangerous love. Now I get to share it.

When have you been captured? Do you realize just how dangerous you were? Are you dangerous now? For Him.

1 comment:

  1. Amen!! Love reading your thoughts, keep them coming please!
